This is a portrait of my mother, done using oil paints. I believe that it is an excellent demonstration of my artistic skill because it evokes in its viewers an unadulterated sense of my mother’s character.
I went to painstaking measures to ensure that this portrait would capture my mother’s personality. I obtained this smile from her by interviewing her about how she met my father. It is a smile of pure love, expressed when she was recalling some of her happiest memories with her husband.
All the vivid color of this work is reflective of real life; the blush on her cheeks, her sparkling blue eyes, and the sunlight on her face were all natural. When mixing paints, I went to great lengths to match these striking hues.
This painting of my mother portrays an honest, fleeting grin, capturing her warmth, her spirit and her smile. What more could be asked of a portrait?